Last week I had an international week, and I did not have to travel any mile for it. On Tuesday we got three visitors from University College London and on Thursday/Friday we had colleagues over from DTU Copenhagen, TIB Hannover and ETH Zurich. It gave me a chance to give two tours through our own library building, which is always useful (e.g. to notice that the printing device of our Library Voyager did not work). Further I could talk both times about our Library Learning Centre, our work on archetypes or persona’s, where we are not “just” involved in accommodating students or student facilities, but are focusing on how we would like to facilitate both work and study the coming years.

Another meeting this week was with TU Delft researchers and administration together about the future of research information, i.e., what we should still register in a local system and what is already available (and harvestable) in the cloud. It is the typical two-step of the library. Of course we are mainly known for our traditional role where we are the content providers (with all related extras, just to name the training, searching, licensing and ordering). Our role in academic visibility is another one, and is more than providing a vehicle for scientific publications. It is really about knowledge exchange, and to progress science. Very interesting discussions!

And for something completely different, a week ago .. at Delft Kennisfestival, nice weather and a funny “swim and water” performance. Roy Heiner was a keynote speaker, just a few translated quotes:

  • team – together each achieves more
  • first it is your team, then the individual and finally the context
  • success is no coincidence
  • to improve is to allow mistakes
  • “at the top” you need to dare to take a step

So what about this midyear, midsummer, midnight then? I joined two friends in a bike ride to “Kijkduin” to celebrate Midsummernight with some homemade icetea, a fresh melon, and hot coffee. Pretty basic, one could say. Though we happened to encounter baby swans, a fox, and camels. Life can be full of surprises!
“Be the change  you want to see in the world”


Blog views as per June 25, 2013: 2806. After that date post was migrated to this new url.